Friday, March 11, 2011

Evangelicals and Catholics Gospel proclamation??

Among the many questions that arise from the idea of evangelicals and Catholics working together in common gospel proclamation, these are two of the biggest:

1) Can these two groups, authentically and in faithfulness to their traditions, work together in proclaiming a common gospel?

2) Are there concrete examples of this actually happening consistently and fruitfully?

The evangelical leader John Armstrong, who used to think the answer to question #1 was no, provides an affirmative answer to both questions now. He highlights the work of a Chicago ministry that I have connections to, Emmaus Ministries. No matter how you answer those two questions, Armstong's piece is worth your attention. Green was also the focus of a shortpiece by Christianity Today in 2000. Green's book explaining the history and purpose of Emmaus Ministries is out soon and available at Amazon.

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